Dr. Gerald Brock
Dr. Gerald Brock
Dr. Gerald Brock is a Professor in the Department of Surgery, Division of Urology, at St. Joseph’s Health Centre in London, Ontario. He is the President of the Canadian Urology Association, Secretary General of the International Society for Sexual Medicine and Chair of the Canadian Male Sexual Health Council (affiliate of the Canadian Urology Association – CUA).
He has served as Chair of the Guidelines Committees of the CUA and CUA Scholarship Foundation Administrative chair. He runs a productive basic science research lab at the Lawson Health Research Institute focusing on the impact of disease states on erectile mechanisms and infertility.
Over the past ten years, he has been invited to speak across Canada, the USA, Europe, Africa and Asia.
His lab has received continuous peer-reviewed funding for two decades and currently serves as a vehicle to train residents and fellows in microsurgery, use of animal models of erectile dysfunction and gaining a greater understanding of basic research methodology.
Dr. Brock is the author of over 200 publications, book chapters, numerous abstracts and more than 20 research awards from national and international research organizations. Over the past ten years, he has been invited to speak across Canada, the USA, Europe, Africa and Asia.
Dr. Brock’s work in urology and erectile dysfunction is acknowledged by his role as section editor of the CUA Journal, as well an editorial board member of multiple other scientific journals. He has run an active Andrology fellowship combining basic animal physiology with clinical exposure ranging from 1-2 years for the past 15 years with graduates of urology programs from North America, Asia and beyond.